About Brid

I am a fully qualified Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist, specialising in a rapid form of transformational therapy.
I have worked with many professional women over the years I’ve been in practice. I understand how frustrating it can be for women who are used to achieving and seeing results quickly, to spend months in talk therapy and not really feel any tangible, significant shifts, often for years.
I wanted to be able to help my clients to achieve significant results as quickly as possible.
Having researched and experienced many techniques I discovered the power of using hypnotherapy, in combination with other therapeutic techniques (including aspects of Psychodynamic, Solution Focussed Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and NLP). I am now able to help my clients to achieve their goals by getting right to the core of what it is that’s been holding them back.
Working together I have been able to help my clients to feel a positive shift in as little as 1 session with me.
To find out more about hypnotherapy and how it works click here.